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Home Learning


 The purpose of homework is:

  • primarily practise the basic skills of reading, mental maths and spelling at an appropriate level for the child;
  • extend, enhance and enrich work previously covered in school;
  • provide opportunities for developing independent study skills;
  • strengthen the partnership between home and school;
  • ensure parents and carers can be actively engaged in their child’s learning;
  • provide progression towards independence and individual responsibility in Year 6 to prepare the children for transfer to secondary school.


We ask parents to support with:

  • practising phonics and reading
  • practising spelling
  • learning number facts and times tables
  • practising taught skills in grammar and maths


Please see our policies page for a copy of our homework policy.

The Great Exhibition

In addition, we offer families to opportunity to work together on a project creating an exhibit for our Great Exhibition which we run termly. Families are invited, if they wish to, to enrich learning that has taken place in the classroom by learning more and creating a project. This is optional for families. Please see our Ambitious Curriculum page for some of the wonderful projects our families have made.