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School Lunches

Southampton City Catering provides delicious hot meals for the children with a daily choice meat or vegetarian option. We are fortunate to have all our meals cooked onsite daily by our Head cook and her team of staff. 

The children are able to choose from three different meal choices.  Details of the meal choices can be found via the menu below.  

Packed lunches

If your child prefers to bring a packed lunch, please ensure that boxes/bags are clearly named. Remember that we are a 'Healthy School'. Glass bottles, fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed in school for health and safety reasons. Due to some children having severe allergies we ask that packed lunches do not contain eggs, sesame or nuts.

Children can choose to have a hot meal or bring sandwiches on a daily basis. The children are supervised by a dedicated team of Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants.  The team work with the children over the lunch break encouraging play skills, good manners, safety and making new friends.

Universal Free School Meals

All pupils in Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 in state funded schools in England are entitled to a free school meal (UIFSM).

Free School Meals

If you are unsure if your child is entitled to Free School Meals, you can check eligibility online via the link below; at https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/southampton

It is important that you complete this form whether or not your child wishes to have hot school meals. Children entitled to 'Free School Meals' will be entitled to pupil premium.  Please see the Pupil premium section for further information.

Dinner Money - KS2 Only

Dinner money can be paid termly, half termly or weekly in advance.  If you are unsure of which days your child will require a cooked dinner, simply send money for the number of days and they can order them as required, credits can be held for meals not taken.

School meals must be paid via SCOPAY, our Internet Payment system. 

Current Menu 2024-2025
